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The Cross Legacy and Generational Change go hand in hand. I have a passion to help families and bring hope back into the kitchen. This ray of hope started with a strawberry in a jar post that went viral with over 15 million views and most recently a reel that has been viewed almost 440k times in the last week.
Putting views and reels aside, let’s talk about expectations for food in your house. I recently saw a post with a list of fruits and vegetables and how long each item stayed fresh. This list provided the normal expected amount of time these items would stay fresh. Strawberries were listed as two to four days to stay fresh. Two to four days. No wonder people are at the grocery store multiple times a week. I looked at this list and in a way I was shocked. This is the information that is being shared around the internet and being taught.
Generational change is expecting something different or something more for your family. It is changing the trajectory of your family or community in one way or another. This weekend is Mother’s Day weekend in America. I thought about doing more of a Mother’s Day post and realized that 1) not everyone I share my information with celebrates this holiday and 2) more than moms read this blog. So, it is on my heart to talk about how you can make change for your family. Today you can make small changes that will have a big impact on your family.
It is no secret that I grew up on a 5th generational farm. I spent time with my grandparents. Both my parents worked. Ultimately I learned from an older generation ways to clean and store food. Frankly, I just thought everyone did this. I watched my elders do this so I did it too. As I started my own family and then fostering littles I shared what I had learned from those before me.
If you hear me talk, you will hear me say I taught my children and our extra littles, "Snacks come from the fridge not the pantry. Eat a rainbow everyday." Having fresh snacks in glass jars simplified life in a variety of ways. Littles can see and point at what they want while learning the names of their favorite snacks. The glass jars provided a storage system that kept produce fresh longer than its plastic counterparts.
Glass Containers
Glass is your produce’s best friend. Ultimately, the key to getting those extra days and weeks out of your produce is the glass container. Mason jars, old pickle jars, glass containers of your choice are all great but it must be glass. Glass can be jars or square dishes.
"The Cross Legacy was born out of a need to try something new and a need to share my passion with others. Sharing my tips on washing and storing produce fulfills my heart and soul in a way that I cannot completely explain. Helping your family have healthy food options in a cost effective way, fills my cup. I still find it staggering that Americans throw 30 to 40% of their food away. On a world wide scale, 60% of food waste comes from households. My hope and my dream is to help change these statistics. My revolutionary goal is to minimize these statistics."
Eat What You Buy
Can you imagine a world where you eat 90-95% of everything you buy?
Imagine you having all the food you need in your house to prepare a meal?
If you didn’t have to worry about going to the store every week, how would that change your life?
How would your life be different if you could open the fridge and have fresh ingredients?
What if you taught your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews how to have healthy food on hand? How would that change their lives? How would that impact the next generation and the next?
What kind of financial impact would that have for you? You, my followers, have come to me with stories on how this is changing your life; how this is changing your financial life as some of you are saving thousands this year. Saving thousands by eating what you buy.
I have been asked… is this real? Does this really work? Just know every hack I share with you I use in my house. I am sharing these tips, tricks, and hacks because they improved my life in some way. Saving half an avocado for a late meal means that avocado will get used. For my household, shopping on a three-week grocery cycle saves money; I always end up with extras when I shop and I am sure you do too.
Food Revolution
Just know that you are helping me as much as I am helping you. You may be sitting there asking yourself "Well, how does that work?" Let me tell you. When you try a hack, and it works in your kitchen, I have helped you. Together we are starting a food revolution. We are daring to change normal expectations. We have taken the normal and given it notice. Normal food and storage is no longer acceptable. I expect my food to last longer when I take the extra time to wash and store my way.
I dare you to expect the same. That is a pretty strong statement, but I dare you. Take a leap. Try something a little different and see how that can change your family. It changed mine and I know it can change yours too!
Creating Your Legacy
Take a few minutes. Dream again. Imagine things a little different. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. During Covid I could not read another book and I dared to try something new. I decided to post about strawberries in a jar and now I am helping you keep strawberries for up to three weeks.
Really, it started with strawberries. Strawberries in my jar. Now it has grown to strawberries around the world, and avocados, and bananas, and really all the fruits and veggies in all the households.
Change can be easy and some change is difficult. When you think about leaving your legacy, what do you envision? Do you have a vision? Have you thought about it?
If there is one thing you could leave as your legacy, what would that be?
I know my answer. My passion is to lead a transformation of food expectations for families around the world; to give back hope to families in the kitchen and give you the power to feed your family no matter what is going on in the world around you. This revolution began with a strawberry post and has grown to much more.
Buckle up, because the momentum is building and the food revolution is beginning.
The Cross Legacy is changing how we view food one produce tip at a time.
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