The Grocery Solution:
Become a Member of The Grocery Solution Community
Feed Your Family for Less!
Learn how to have more meals with less cooking
Get your grocery budget under control
Stock your pantry with versatile items to make any meal
What to Expect From Your Monthly Membership?
🎓 Instant access to members only Facebook community
🎓 Video tutorials covering the need-to-know tips to save you money
🎓 New content frequently delivered straight to your inbox
🎓 Budget-friendly recipes for busy nights and batch-cooking
🎓 Build your own workbook with printable guides
🎓 Answers to all of your grocery questions
- • Auto-renews monthly
• New content delivered throughout each month
- • Auto-renews yearly
• New content delivered throughout each month
Membership Reviews
“I am keeping track of what we spend each week at every store we go to and I anticipate saving between $5,000.00-$7,500.00 this year by using your system. What?!?!“
SH – from Ohio
“The Cross Legacy has made such a positive impact on our lives, I don’t even know where to begin! I no longer dread shopping for groceries.“
CK – from PA
“I tend to buy thinking that’ll taste great…I use it once, then don’t get around to using that one again. So, it sits… and sits. No more! My fridge already looks so much cleaner and less cluttered. Which brings me to dinner, I threw away 3 more containers just by eating dinner tonight. I HIGHLY recommend this membership. I’m so impressed and I’ve only watch 1 section! I can’t imagine how much more I’m going to learn and be inspired by with the rest of it. Go check it out, it’s SO worth it! You won’t be disappointed.”
WB – from SC
Are Grocery Prices Stressing You Out?
In 2021 when my grocery hacks went viral, it was eye opening to see how many people were eager to learn about them. I knew that I needed to keep sharing because people wanted more of this information. I learned most of this from growing up on a 200 acre generational farm as well as from my own struggles when it came to feeding my family. It feels like we always struggled with buying groceries, especially during those seasons. You know, those really busy seasons when you’re not even home to cook dinner because of work or sports schedules or the last thing you want to do is cook after a busy day? I have been there. Our family size has varied greatly throughout the years. I have college aged kids, I am a foster mom, and I have been a caretaker for family members at times. We also have a variety of food allergies in our family along with me being diabetic. Is it any surprise that grocery struggles are so familiar to me?
I want to teach you some easy to implement strategies to shrink your grocery spending so that you can use those funds elsewhere or simply be able to feed your family. I have been the one looking at our bank account and counting down to the next paycheck to be able to buy food. I understand the struggles and stress that comes with it. I knew that I had to create a grocery budget that could be flexible depending on the size of our family and the season we were in. That is why I created the monthly budget of $135 per person. It allows us to easily know what our budget is at any given time. We have been able to stick to this budget for years and it has worked well for us despite rising food costs. Learning how to provide food for your family while spending less is a journey and I want to team up with you and help you along the way. That is why I created this membership community. We can get into the nitty-gritty together. We can celebrate our successes and work through our challenges. You will get information that builds over time to ultimately help you succeed in spending WAY less on food than you are now. It will give you hope that you can provide your family with a variety of delicious foods to eat without having to always be stressed about how much you are spending at the grocery store.