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Happy 1st Anniversary! It has been one whole year since I first started this blog. What started out as a hobby and a way to share a few simple tips for storing produce has changed my life and touched so many others. For this first Anniversary blog post, I want to share everything that has happened in the last year. Who knew washing and storing strawberries in a jar, a vinegar wash with a glass jar, would change lives around the world? It has certainly changed the course of my life. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for watching and sharing my tips, following me, and joining me on this incredible journey.
In July 2021 I wrote the Strawberries in a Jar post while in the middle of a kitchen remodel. I had no ceiling, no cabinets, no sink, and no stove. Cooking and doing dishes had to be done in creative ways. I had a friend who kept urging me to share my skills. She called them skills, but to me, it was just the way I did things. I thought, “Doesn’t everyone wash their produce with a vinegar wash, let them air dry, then store them in glass?” I quickly found my answer. The answer was a resounding, “No.” Everyone did not do this.
In August, I was asked to join the Homestead Anywhere Collaboration eBook. If you are looking to begin homesteading, this free eBook is a great resource offering a large variety of tips and ideas to get you well on your way. I was able to be a part of this eBook with some greats in the Homesteading world.
In September, I was featured in the UK Sun, “Food for Thought.” It was so exciting to be featured in an article. I had no idea it was just the beginning. The kitchen remodel continued and we finally got countertops and a SINK! I could do dishes in the KITCHEN again!
October brought something so unexpected! The Strawberries in a Jar post went viral and is now at 18 million views. 18 million views! It has been seen all around the world. I get questions from people anywhere and everywhere. I have enjoyed the time I spend answering your questions and helping you with your food budgets, storing your produce, and all the other questions you have. This month I filmed my first video washing produce in front of a “live audience” on YouTube. Sharing my tips with a group was so fun and challenging.
The official business, branding and trademarking of The Cross Legacy logo took place in November. The Cross Legacy has so much meaning to me and every detail of the logo represents an important piece of my family legacy. Feel free to read about creating a legacy here.
Mike and I were able to go to Nashville for The Homesteader of America Conference in January 2022. While at the conference I was able to meet Jill Winger, Justin Rhodes and many other Homesteading Influencers. During this trip Mike and I were able to check an item or two off our personal bucket lists. When we returned home, I decided I needed a little extra help with the administrative side of the business. I wanted to continue to have time to answer questions and help others while being able to grow the business. With the help of my Team, I have been able to accomplish so much.
In March 2022, I Bought It, Now What? was released and I became an Amazon Best Seller. It is now available for sale in my own shop as a PDF download so you can print a copy and have it handy in your kitchen while you clean your fruits and veggies. This book covers the 25 most requested fruits and vegetables. You can find all the cleaning and storing information conveniently located in one place with an easy reference graph. Interestingly enough, while writing the book, I tested bananas in a jar! I was able to get this new tip into the book just in time. My Asparagus tip was shared by Jam Press, and I was invited as a guest speaker to share my food tips at a local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) event. MOPS has always held such a special place in my heart as I was a part of the MOPS community when my girls were little.
Applying for a TEDx talk was a goal of mine and I applied in April for TEDx Spokane. One week later I was on their stage for my interview presentation. I couldn’t believe I was granted an interview after just one application. I was told it takes most applicants many more tries to get on the interview stage! This whole journey has been such a blessing.
In May I found out I was selected from the group of interview presentations, and will be filming my TEDx Spokane in October. I was invited to, and recorded, my first podcast interview with ‘The Minimalist Moms Podcast.’
I was asked to speak to a Women’s Relief Society about storing food, The Cross Legacy website was refreshed, and I started planning our road trip for June.
June was wildly exciting. I hit 100K followers on Instagram. I had my TV debut on Breakfast Television, Toronto Canada. It was amazing to be invited to share my tips on morning television.
On a personal note, Mike and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary by taking a two-week road trip. We traveled to South Dakota and toured through six states. We took every opportunity and saw as many things as we could. I look forward to sharing some of our adventures with you throughout the month of July.
I am thankful for each and every one of you. Without YOU, none of this would be possible. It has been my honor to share the tips I learned from my family with you. I look forward to continuing to bring you useful content, and helping you save money and time.
Looking Forward
Looking forward, I have so many things going on. I have just launched my online store. In the store you can purchase both of my books as a bundle in PDF Format. That’s right, I said both my books! The I Bought It, Now What? Summer Edition was just wrapped up yesterday and is now available in the shop! In the Summer Edition you will find cleaning and storing tips for 25 summer fruits, veggies and herbs along with a few recipes. I will also be adding some irresistible merchandise for you. So, stay tuned as I will have more information coming out about the store very soon. If you haven’t already, join our Newsletter as we will be emailing out updates as well.
I am building my YouTube channel. I humbly request you follow me there. Especially in these times, I have a calling on my heart to help families and other communities with food security. It is my greatest hope to continue to offer tips and homesteading ideas in a free format and YouTube gives me a platform to do just that. YouTube is going to be where you can find my full videos. So, head on over to the channel and subscribe. Hit the bell icon so you know when a new video drops. When you watch a video leave a comment and share it with a friend. This helps me and my team be able to keep creating great content to share with you.
I look forward to the future. To date, I am scheduled to be on the TEDx Spokane stage in October. I am working on another collaboration book, and have plans to release a Fall Edition eBook.
What information would you like to see in the Fall Edition eBook? Do you need help with food security? What are your questions? I feel if you have a question, there are a handful of others with the same question. My hope is to help you. I’d love to hear from you soon and look forward to seeing you on YouTube.
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